What our customers are saying
There is nothing more gratifying than knowing how much of an impact the My Prayer Rug has made on people's lives. Everyday we get messages about how easy it was for someone to learn how to pray using our products, we thank Allah for allowing us to be part of all their journeys.

I helped my sister learn how to pray.
My sister wanted to convert to Islam but stopped short, as she felt the prayer was overwhelming for her. We lived far apart, so I couldn't physically teach her myself. I found the My Prayer Rug and sent it to her, masha'Allah she accepted Islam and learnt how to pray easily. May Allah bless everyone for their help and for this product.
Sister Khadijah - USA
Cherie G.
I'm a new Muslim and I'm so thankful for this for beginners, so I can learn my prayers and teach myself so much more I pray Allah will lead me and to have patience with me while I'm on my learning journey. Inshallah
Theresa B.
Assalmu Alaikum I just wanted to say Im a new Muslim and would have been lost without this. Jazak Allah Khair for all that you do and may Allah Bless you Ameen.
Erika H.
Thank you so much may Allah bless you and reward everyone who took part in making this and making it available to everyone. MashaAllah, Alhamduillah! It's been so helpful ,I have learned the five daily prayers through this! may Allah grant you all Jannah firdaus !
Sulaiman L.
This Ramadan, I have learned and perfecting my Salah thanks to your wonderful products. I am forever grateful as a revert.
Nat K.
I’ve been using your prayer rug as a guide to learn. Thank you guys and may Allah's blessing be upon you, ALLAHHU AKBAR.
Joyce C.
Now 2 weeks since I converted to Islam...I am so thankful for this, Allah is great.
Samantha J.
I'm a beginner. I have made up my mind to perform my five daily prayers because I have this.
Zayd K.
I'm a Muslim and I love this, Allahuakbar.
Albert J.
Ever since I have started to pray things started to fall in place in my life!
Serdano D.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing these mats and resources in order to simply learn how to pray, this is the most easiest and understandable product i have experienced so far. Insh'Allah it will get me closer to Allah!
Julian S.
This is perfect for us beginners. And it is very clear. May Allah bless you.
Diar H.
I’ve been a Muslim my whole life but my family has never practiced the religion to it’s fullest so i never learned how to pray but today i feel i can teach myself.
Amera B.
I am born a muslim i went to many mosques and many parts of my life learning quran and namaz however after 14 years now im still trying to get my namaz perfect this helped me read my fajr and brought tears to my eyes may Allah guide us to the right path.
Victor L.
I have grown up Muslim Alhamdulillah but I have a speech impediment which is common for people with the form of Autism that I have. Your products are very helpful in correcting my pronunciations. JazakAllah.
Rosa C.
I thank Allah for leading me to Islam, I'm not as focused as I would like to be alhumdillah. All praises to Allah. Thank you for saving me.
Ruth A.
I converted to Islam on August 1. And this is so helpful and I use it to help me but I also need to learn how to do it on my own and I need prayers so I can do it on my own.
Aminah H.
Perfect for beginners, easy and clear so that I understand and reap the benefits of salat.
Jeff H.
As-salamu alaykum, this has really helped me perform the five daily prayers and I cannot thank you guys enough for this.
Thank you, this is perfect! No I can pray without mistakes.
Rosio L.
It's my second day praying and this is really very useful to me.
Joana G.
I'm a beginner. I find this very helpful to learn prayers.
Jaha G.
Thanks for creating this is helping me a lot, after Ramadan I wanted to learn praying and it’s really hard for me this helps a lot.
Anjum B.
Masha Allah.. Allhumdilallah, for help us beginners in walk towards Allah.
Rema O.
Thank you for giving beginner prayers a way to easily learn, God Bless you!
I reverted today. I hope to learn and adapt quickly. Thank you
Demer E.
I really love this thanks you for teaching us how to pray may Allah blessing all of us Aameen
I just wanted to say JazakAllah for helping me to pray...I pray 5 times a day now
Neha P.
Thank you so much! This has helped me with my Isha Salah which I just completed Alhamdulillah. Allah bless and reward you for this, Amin.
Robyn B.
Awesome! New Muslim. Prayer rug so helpful. Thank you
Kamal A.
I'm very New to Islam. This is very very useful to me. I'm learning to pray five times per day. Dear god, please forgive me if I done any fault when praying.
Lisa W.
I just want to say what are great help these prayer rugs are, showing you the motions and allowing you to follow as you learn.
Afifa F.
I recently converted to Islam and im so proud of it, this will be my guide
Jubeyda Y.
It helps me to pray more easier.
Aysha U.
Alhamdulillah, MashaAllah Jazakallah khairan this is so beautiful.
Ismail N.
Ive been a muslim my whole life but i never get to perfect my salah, thanks to this, i can practice and perfect my salah.
Umar L.
Thank you I know how to pray now thank you so much may Allah bless and protect you let him guide you
Saber J.
Thank you for the helping! I just recently started praying, sometimes I feel shame for starting so late and not being to do it properly but with this guidance I feel I have been completing my prayers.
Willian K.
I am a white American who has been a closeted Muslim for just over a year. Right now I am in Medina, and will be moving on to Mecca in a few days. These step-by-step guides are incredibly helpful as I teach myself how to pray in my hotel room. It was something that I simply couldn't do at home because of how unsupportive my (Mormon) family is.
Excellent! May Allah Almighty reward you tremendously for this. I've started proper prayer because of you.
Phiri N.
This has been really helpful I just joined Islam today and fasted for my first time.
Mali B.
I am converting to Muslim and this really helped
Deema K.
I converted one year ago but really started to be a Muslim with full convert 4 days ago . Thank you for this prayer rug. I have no contact to other Muslim people so this help me a lot.
Memo C.
My prayer for 3weeks now...wow I am humbled to learn from here. God bless
Othell L.
This helped me through my first ever dhuhr prayer just now. may Allah swt reward you for your help!!!
Shah N.
Alhamdulillah I learned from you how to pray.
Diya S.
Thank you so much for this. I have learned so much from this. I have learned 2 prayers so far.
Bliss B.
I know I have some minor mistakes in my prayers and you help me pray without mistakes
Marza P.
This was my first time praying. Thank you!